EMDR Therapy

EMDR Therapy is an empirically-validated, non-traditional treatment that is especially helpful for people who have experienced trauma. Used by both the VA and the Israeli army, EMDR allows people to heal from distressing or traumatic events. Just as the body can heal its wounds, EMDR Therapy proves that the mind can heal with the body.

This therapy not only closes mental wounds but transforms them.

In simple terms, trauma can be described as acute or chronic painful, emotionally-charged memories which can have lasting mental, emotional, and physical effects. Trauma may be caused by neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse as well as exposure to violent or near-death experiences. A person with unresolved trauma may rely on maladaptive coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse, avoidance, and emotional withdrawal.

EMDR Therapy addresses traumatic episodes in a safe and supportive environment. It is a powerful tool that conclusively processes distressing memories. EMDR Therapy is highly effective in bringing clients to understand and accept their experiences. It then helps them marshal their inner strengths and outside resources to help establish lasting peace and productivity in their lives. However, this work is secondary and subsequent to the initial work of establishing complete sobriety.

With EMDR Therapy our goal is to turn PTSD into PTST: Post-Traumatic Stress Thriving.

EMDR Therapy is designed to be a short-term rather than ongoing treatment. In some instances, results can be seen after four sessions.

Depression & Anxiety

Few people can effectively function at their optimum when even mild depression is present. Depression tends to deepen until an individual finds an objective and trusted listener who hears and validates the his/her feelings and perspectives. Depression begins to lift once a person is able to articulate her/his unexpressed feelings and emotions. Antidepressant medications can be effective. However, the addition of talk psychotherapy has proven to be instrumental in reducing depression and anxiety, and contributes greatly to long-term healing.



Sexual Addiction

Behaviors associated with Sex Addiction include the excessive use of online pornography, infidelity, promiscuity, compulsive masturbation, and transactional sex (prostitution), to list a few. The acceptance of such behavior patterns as “addictive” is a journey that some clients—and their partners–need to take in order to find healing. Sex addicts suffer from isolation, shame, depression, loss of energy and, at times, an increase in drug and alcohol abuse.

Untreated or undiagnosed sex addiction is often severely destructive. Its negative consequences affect the addict’s life as well as the lives of those they love. These compulsive behaviors and negative consequences may progress unchecked for years until a series of crises forces a person to seek recovery, or a personal inner collapse motivates their search for meaning and healing.

Through a kind and trusting relationship, I employ the CSAT task-based model to help the sex addict weather the initial withdrawal period; define a plan of sexual sobriety or and health; and, ultimately, understand and transcend the pathology of addictive behaviors.

Partners of Sex Addicts

A partner may need as much, if not more, support than the addict. Upon discovering a partner’s sexual addiction, a partner can exhibit symptoms of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), including anger, intense fear, avoidance of feelings, helplessness, and powerlessness. Through empathetic support, the partner will be able to manage the rage, betrayal, and profound sadness regaining his/her life and begin to grow again.

Often, the partners of sex addicts go untreated while the sex addict works on a plan of recovery and moves forward with his or her life. The disclosure can be a very difficult dose of reality for the partner, and he or she will often benefit greatly from therapy. Therapy provides a safe haven where partners can process feelings of betrayal and loss and come to understand their loved one’s addiction. The partners are encouraged to work on a recovery plan, which includes establishing healthy boundaries, attending support groups, and exercising much-needed self-care.


Initial individual intake: 75-minutes

Individual Session: 45-minutes

Family / Couples Counseling: 60-minutes

EMDR Processing: 75-minutes

Group Therapy


SDI * (Sexual Dependency Inventory):

PTSI * (Post-Traumatic Stress Inventory):

MAWASI (Money & Work Adaptive Styles Index):

*Mandatory for those clients who seek therapy for sexual addiction.