Call for a Free Consultation 305-390-2670
“I opened his phone and found a text of a naked picture of another woman. I’m numb, in shock and confused…”
Offices in Coral Gables & Miami Beach
You’re not sure what to do.
Is he being unfaithful? What’s going on?
You confront him. He responds dismissively: “You’re crazy,” or “She’s just a friend,” or “She’s not even my type.” You know intuitively that something’s not right.
Or you don’t confront him. You doubt yourself, you feel crazy…like your world is upside down.
Does this sound familiar?
If so, you’re not alone. Thousands of women and men have experienced the pain and confusion you feel.
Your partner’s problematic sexual behavior is negatively affecting your life and threatens your relationship.
The right therapist can help you understand what’s going on and get you through this painful time. What I honestly can tell you after all my years of experience is that your partner will not get well until you take action.
I’ve spent more than a last decade working with the partners of sex addicts caught in the experiences I just described. I’m a licensed and clinically-trained psychotherapist as well as a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist (CSAT). I’ve worked with hundreds of women and men just like you.
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